針對反種族主義的中文資源缺乏而創作的《華人怎樣做盟友》要求華人讀者考慮 成為移民定居者意味著什麽;如何解決 華人社區內部的反黑人和反原住民偏見;以及如何挑戰模範少數族裔概念及其與白人至上主義的共謀。與標題相反, 本書並未嘗試提供“操作方法”指南。相反,藝術家黃秀盈和學者陳晨通過邀請華人讀者進入BIPOC社區的朋友、藝術家和研究人員之間的親密對話,為學習和忘卻的實踐提供了一個可行的切入點。
《華人怎樣做盟友》包括對Fiona Raye Clarke、Jae Sterling和Melissa Chung Mowat的采訪;編輯的文章,Jason Li的漫畫,以及Robyn Maynard、Gary Pieters和真相與和解委員會的關鍵文本的翻譯節選。《華人怎樣做盟友》是與陳晨合作製作的,也是黃秀盈在安大略省萬錦市Varley藝術館的社區藝術家駐場項目的一部分,以及卡爾加裏市公共藝術項目與新畫廊合作委托的卡爾加裏中國城藝術家駐場項目。
216 Main St Unionville
Unionville, ON
L3R 2H1
208 Centre St S,
AB T2G 2B6
黃秀盈 ,是一位作家和多學科藝術家,從事表演和裝置藝術。
陳晨(博士),是第六條約領土上miskwaciwâskahikan(今天稱為加拿大埃德蒙頓)的充滿感恩的訪客。他是阿爾伯塔大學運動學、體育和娛樂學院的博士後研究員。 他是阿爾伯塔大學運動機能學、運動和娛樂學院的博士後研究員。作為一名教育工作者和研究人員,他目前的工作涉及體育與殖民主義、移民/流離失所和環境正義的交集。他特別感興趣的領域是:非西方的認識論(知識理論)和世界觀是如何能夠調動體育和運動空間,使其更加公正和公平,並促進更有意義的社區建設,以實現非殖民化和廢除。
Created in response to the lack of Chinese language anti-racism resources, How to be a Chinese Ally asks its Chinese readers to consider what it means to be an immigrant settler; how to address the internal anti-Black and anti-Indigenous bias within Chinese communities; and how to challenge the model minority concept and its complicity with white supremacy. Contrary to the title, this book makes no attempts to provide a “how-to” guide. Instead, artist Annie Wong, and academic Chen Chen offer an accessible entry point into a practice of learning and unlearning by inviting Chinese readers into intimate conversations among friends, artists, and researchers within the BIPOC community.
How to be a Chinese Ally includes interviews with Fiona Raye Clarke, seth cardinal dodginghorse, Jae Sterling and Melissa Chung Mowat; essays by the editors, a comic by Jason Li, and translated excerpts from key texts by Robyn Maynard, Gary Pieters, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
How to be a Chinese Ally is produced in collaboration with Chen Chen, and as part of Annie Wong’s Community Artist in Residence project at the Varley Art Gallery of Markham, Ontario, and the Calgary Chinatown artist residency commissioned by The City of Calgary’s public art program in partnership with The New Gallery.
Free PDF copies of the book are available below. A limited number of printed copies are available for no charge at the Varley Art Gallery of Markham and The New Gallery through curbside pick-up. Further partner locations will be announced.
Due to their limited number, printed copies are available by request only for those who require access, or are assisting those in need of access, to the Chinese language version.
The Varley Art Gallery of Markham
216 Main St Unionville,
Unionville, ON
L3R 2H1
208 Centre St S,
AB T2G 2B6
About the editors:
Annie Wong 黃秀盈, is a writer and multidisciplinary artist working in performance and installation.
Chen Chen 陈晨 (Ph.D.), is a grateful visitor to miskwaciwâskahikan (also known today as Edmonton, Canada) on Treaty 6 Territory. He is a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, University of Alberta. An educator and researcher, his current work addresses the intersection of sport with colonialism, migration/displacement, and environmental justice. He is particularly interested in how non-Western epistemologies (theories of knowledge) and worldviews can mobilize sport and movement spaces to be more just and equitable, and facilitate more meaningful community-building towards decolonization and abolition.
How to be a Chinese Ally won in the Galeries Ontario / Ontario Galleries 2022 award in the category for Art Publication.