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Chant of 21
Chant of 21
Chant of 21
Chant of 21
Chant of 21
Chant of 21

Chant of 21 > "Seances for the Living > Group show and performance curated by Sophie Le-Phat Ho, Ronald Rose-Antoinette > SBC Gallery (Montreal) > 2018 


A hungry ghost is a buddhist belief in sprits suspended between the living world and the afterlife. The result of a tremendous tragedy, they are without space in history and memory. The Chant of 21 is a performance and installation dedicated to the hungry ghosts belonging to the story of twenty-one infant bodies found washed ashore in the riverbanks of the Guangfu River. Taking a feminist approach to the Chinese tradition of burning gifts to ancestors, The Chant of 21 positions the hungry ghost in the centre of Chinese eschatology and the tragedies of China’s One Child Policy. 



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